More on Starting Small: A Personal Story

Despite having this website with my picture all over it, and writing here in first person, and occasionally saying something about myself, I’d really rather just sit quietly in the back of the room and observe. And, most important, not be noticed. But in my work as a...

Starting Small

“I don’t even know where to start!” I hear this a lot from my clients (and friends; and family; and, well, yes, I’ve said it myself). There’s not a single room in the house that looks the way you want it to look, and there are not enough hours in the day to do what’s...

One More Book on Clutter and Hoarding

If you want to try one more book before making a therapy appointment, or if you want to do both, I can help – and maybe save you a bit of time. Here are three titles, each with a different approach. See if one of these works for you. Zen of Hoarding: 108 Offerings for...